Romazine 75% WP

Romazine 75% WP

Wettable powder
Romazine is a systemic, wettable powder insecticide that is effective by contact and works as a growth regulator and highly combats the eggs and larvae of leaf miners of the order dipetra, tomato tuta absoluta, leaf miners and prevents exuviation by preventing reproduction of larvae inside the mines. It penetrates well inside the tissues and leaves of vegetables, fruits and other crops.




750 g\L


250 g\L

Inert ingredients


Romazine 750 is a developed, systemic, wettable powder insecticide penetrates the plant epidermis. It effects eggs of adult insects by making them unhatchable and fertile. It also deters growth and development of larvae leading to preventing completion of their life cycle and therefore their death.

Romazine 750 is very effective against insect progenies having resistance to old pesticides. 

Usage Rates:



Usage rate

g/100 liters of water

Safety Period

Vegetables: (cucumber, tomato, watermelon)

Leaf miners

25 g

3-14 days


Leaf miners, Colorado beetle

25 g

14-35 days

Ornamental  plants

Leaf miners

25 g

Seed treatment


Onion roots fly

25 g

Seed treatment