Deltaforce 2.5% EC

Deltaforce 2.5% EC

Emulsifiable Concentrate
A non-systemic Baythroid insecticide that works by contact. It is effective in eliminating many types of insects affecting plants.




25 g\L


975 g\L

Inert ingredients

One of the most powerful Baythroid insecticides in eliminating many harmful insects affecting plants. Long-lasting effect as it is not affected by light or rains because it sticks hardly to the plant. It should be stored at temperature 15-30 degree centigrade.

Application Rates:



Application Rate
ml/100 liters of water

Safety Period

Potato, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower

Lepidoptera, aphids, thrips, cabbage butterfly, Heliothis armigera, potato tuber moth

10-15 ml

3-4 days

Guava, vines, apple, pear, citrus

Fruitworms, aphids, Lobesia botrana, guava fruit fly, whitefly, citrus flower moth

10-15 ml

3-4 days


Aphids, cottonworm

10-15 ml

3-4 days